
SL. No Equipment Type Manufacturer Name Model Number Power Range Expiry Date
-PV ModuleCaterpillarPVT117CdTe 117W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleChinaland Solar EnergyCHN250 - 60Psc-Si 250 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleChinaland Solar EnergyCHN260 - 60Psc-Si 260 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleChinaland Solar EnergyCHN300 - 72Psc-Si 300 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleChinaland Solar EnergyCHN310 - 72Psc-Si 310 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleChinaland Solar EnergyCHNXXX-72PPoly crystalline 315-335, in step of 5W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleChinaland Solar EnergyCHNXXX-60PPoly crystalline 265-280, in step of 5W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleChinaland Solar EnergyCHNXXX-72MMono crystalline 330-350, in step of 5W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleChinaland Solar EnergyCHNXXX-60MMono crystalline 275-290, in step of 5W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleChint Solar (Zhejiang)CHSM6612P-XXXmc-Si 315, 320 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleRECOM AGRCM-xxx-6MBMONO-Si 250-280W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleRECOM AGRCM-xxx-6PBPoly-Si 240-260W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleRECOM AGRCM-xxx-6PBsc-Si 240-280W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleRECOM AGRCM-xxx-6PB-c-de-fsc-Si 240-28001/01/2027
-PV ModuleRECOM AGRCM-xxx-6PA-SW290 to 305 W , in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleRECOM AGRCM-xxx-6PA-SW310 to 340 W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleRECOM AGRCM-xxx-6PA-SW345 to 350 W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleduSolDS60250WMc-Si 250W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleduSolDS72300WMc-Si 300W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleduSolDS60270WMC-Si 270W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleduSolDS60260WMc-Si 260W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleduSolDS72200WMc-Si 200W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleduSolDS72225WMc-Si 225W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleduSolDS72175WMc-Si 175W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleduSolDS36150WMC-Si 150W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleduSolDS36100WMc-Si 100W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleduSolDS36125WMc-Si 125W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleduSolDS3675WMc-Si 75W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleduSolDS3660WMC-Si 60W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleduSolDS3650wMc-Si 50W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleduSolDS3640wMc-Si 40W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleduSolDS572380MMc-Si 380W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleECONESS ENERGYEN156-M-60-265Mono crysalline 265W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleECONESS ENERGYEN156-M-72-315Mono crysalline 315W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleECONESS ENERGYEN156-P-60-250Poly crystaline 250W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleECONESS ENERGYEN156M-60-XXXSC-Si,215W-280W ( in step of 5 )01/01/2027
-PV ModuleECONESS ENERGYEN156M-72-XXXSC-Si,260W-340W (in step of 5?01/01/2027
-PV ModuleECONESS ENERGYEN156P-60-XXXMC-Si,210W-280W (in step of 5?01/01/2027
-PV ModuleECONESS ENERGYEN156P-72-XXXMC-Si,255W-340W (in step of 5?01/01/2027
-PV ModuleECONESS ENERGYEN156-P-72-300Poly crystaline 300W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleEging Photovoltaic TechnologyEG-xxxP60-CSc-Si 200-255W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleEging Photovoltaic TechnologyEG-xxxP72-CSc-Si 245-305W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleEinnova SolarlineES-P672xxxYZSc-Si 250/260/300/310 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleET Solar Industry LimitedET-P660 SeriesPoly-Si 250-265W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleET Solar Industry LimitedET-P672 SeriesPoly-Si 300-315W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleET Solar Industry LimitedET-M660 SeriesMono-si 255-270W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleET Solar Industry LimitedET-M672 SeriesMono-si 305-320W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleFirst SolarFS-4110-2Cd-Te 110W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleFirst SolarFS-4107A-2Cd-Te 107.5W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleFirst SolarFS-4110A-2Cd-Te 110W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleFirst SolarFS-4112A-2Cd-Te 112.5W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleFirst SolarFS-4112-2Cd-Te 112.5W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleFirst SolarFS-4105A-2Cd-Te 105W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleFirst SolarFS-4107-2Cd-Te 107.5W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleFirst SolarFS-4102A-2Cd-Te 102.5W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleFirst SolarFS-4105-2Cd-Te 105W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleFirst SolarFS-4102-2Cd-Te 102.5W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleFirst SolarFS-4xxx-3CdTe 105 - 122.5 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleFirst SolarFS-4xxxA-3CdTe 105 - 122.5W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleFuturasunFUXXXMsc-Si 300-315 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleFuturasunFUXXXMsc-Si 245-260 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleFuturasunFUXXXPmc-Si 240-265 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleFuturasunFUXXXPmc-Si 295-305 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleGCL System Integration TechGCL-P6/72-310mc-Si 310 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleGCL System Integration TechGCL-P6/60-xxxmc-si 260-285W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleGCL System Integration TechGCL-P6/72-xxxmc-Si 310-330W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleGCL System Integration TechGCL-M6/72Hxxxsc-si 365-385W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleGCL System Integration TechGCL-P6/72Hxxxmc-si 350-375W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleGCL System Integration TechGCL-M3/72H-xxxsc-si 395-410W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleGeneral Energy Solutions7NAC000-06Axxxmc-Si 215-275W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleGeneral Energy Solutions7NAC000-06Cxxxmc-Si 255-330W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleGeneral Energy Solutions7NAC001-06Axxxmc-Si 195-295W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleGeneral Energy Solutions7NAC001-06Cxxxmc-Si 235-350W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleGeneral Energy Solutions7NAE001-06Axxxsc-Si 220-300W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleGeneral Energy Solutions7NAE001-06Cxxxsc-Si 245-360W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleGintung Energy CorpGTEC-xxxG6S66Sc-Si 140-175W ,in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleGintung Energy CorpGTEC-xxxG6S68Sc-Si 190-235 W,in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleGintung Energy CorpGTEC-xxxG6S69Sc-Si 210-265 W,in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleGintung Energy CorpGTEC-xxxG6S6ASc-Si 230-295 W,in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleGintung Energy CorpGTEC-xxxG6S6BSc-Si 260-325 W ,in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleGintung Energy CorpGTEC-xxxG6SSc-Si 280-355 W,in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleGintung Energy CorpGTEC-xxxG6M66Mc-Si 140-175 W,in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleGintung Energy CorpGTEC-xxxG6M68Mc-Si 190 - 235 W,in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleGintung Energy CorpGTEC-xxxG6M69Mc-Si 210 - 265 W,in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleGintung Energy CorpGTEC-xxxG6M6AMc-Si 230-295 W,in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleGintung Energy CorpGTEC-xxxG6M6BMc-Si 260-325 W,in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleGintung Energy CorpGTEC-xxxG6MMc-Si 280-355 W,in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleGreenBrilliance EnergyGB54P6-XXXmc-Si 185-225 Wp, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleGreenBrilliance EnergyGB60P6-XXXmc-Si 230-250 Wp, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleGreenBrilliance EnergyGB72P6-XXXmc-Si 250-300 Wp, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleHanwhaSolarOne (Qidong)HSL72P6-PC-1-XXXmc-Si 250-270 W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleHanwhaSolarOne (Qidong)HSL60P6-PC-1-XXXmc-Si 290-310 W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleHangzhou Sunny EnergyZDNY-xxxC54sc-Si 190-250W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleHangzhou Sunny EnergyZDNY-xxxC60sc-Si 210-275W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleHangzhou Sunny EnergyZDNY-xxxC72sc-Si 255-330W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleHangzhou Sunny EnergyZDNY-xxxCB54sc-Si 190-235W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleHangzhou Sunny EnergyZDNY-xxxCB60sc-Si 210-260W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleHangzhou Sunny EnergyZDNY-xxxCB72sc-Si 255-310W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleHangzhou Sunny EnergyZNDY-xxxP54mc-Si 180-250W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleHangzhou Sunny EnergyZNDY-xxxP60mc-Si 200-275W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleHangzhou Sunny EnergyZNDY-xxxP72mc-Si 245-330W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleHollandia Power Solutions IncHPS0xxxP-28mc-Si 105 W, 110 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleHollandia Power Solutions IncHPS0xxxP-32mc-Si 120W , 125W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleHollandia Power Solutions IncHPS0xxxP-36mc-Si 140W, 145W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleHollandia Power Solutions IncHPS0xxxP-48mc-Si 160 - 210 W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleHollandia Power Solutions IncHPS0xxxP-54mc-Si 180 - 235 W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleHollandia Power Solutions IncHPS0xxxP-60mc-Si 200 - 260 W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleHollandia Power Solutions IncHPS0xxxP-72mc-Si 240 - 315W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleHollandia Power Solutions IncHPS0xxxM-28sc-Si 105 - 125 W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleHollandia Power Solutions IncHPS0xxxM-32sc-Si 120 - 145 W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleHollandia Power Solutions IncHPS0xxxM-36sc-Si 135 - 160 W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleHollandia Power Solutions IncHPS0xxxM-48sc-Si 170 - 215 W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleHollandia Power Solutions IncHPS0xxxM-54sc-S 190 - 240 W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleHollandia Power Solutions IncHPS0xxxM-60sc-Si 210 - 270 W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleHollandia Power Solutions IncHPS0xxxM-72sc-Si 250 - 325 W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleHollandia Power Solutions IncHPS0xxxD-16sc-Si 040 - 045 W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleHollandia Power Solutions IncHPS0xxxD-20sc-Si 050 - 060 W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleHollandia Power Solutions IncHPS0xxxD-24sc-Si 060 - 070 W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleHollandia Power Solutions IncHPS0xxxD-28sc-Si 065 - 080 W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleHollandia Power Solutions IncHPS0xxxD-32sc-Si 075 - 095 W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleHollandia Power Solutions IncHPS0xxxD-36sc-Si 080 - 105 W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleHollandia Power Solutions IncHPS0xxxD-40sc-Si 090 - 120 W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleHollandia Power Solutions IncHPS0xxxD-72sc-Si 155 - 215 W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleHollandia Power Solutions IncHPS0xxxD-84sc-Si 165 - 250 W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleHYUNDAI Heavy Industries (HHI)HiS-SxxxRG (BK)Sc-Si 245-285W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleHYUNDAI Heavy Industries (HHI)HiS-SxxxRF (BK)Sc-SI 225-255W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleHYUNDAI Heavy Industries (HHI)HiS-SxxxRISc-Si 300-345W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleHYUNDAI Heavy Industries (HHI)HiS-MxxxRG (BK)Mc-S I 240-270W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleHECKERT Solar GmbH (Gilco)MEMO 60 P255 19sc-si 255W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleHECKERT Solar GmbH (Gilco)MEMO 60 P260 19sc-si 260W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleHECKERT Solar GmbH (Gilco)MEMO 60 P265 19sc-si 265W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleHECKERT Solar GmbH (Gilco)NEMO 60 P270 19sc-si 270W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleHECKERT Solar GmbH (Gilco)MEMO 60 P275 19sc-si 275W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleHENGDIAN GROUP, DMEGCDMxxx-M156-72sc-Si (xxx=320 to 360 in step of 5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleHENGDIAN GROUP, DMEGCDMxxx-M156-60sc-Si (xxx=270 to 300 in step of 5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleHENGDIAN GROUP, DMEGCDMxxx-P156-72mc-Si (xxx=310 to 350 in step of 5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleHENGDIAN GROUP, DMEGCDMxxx-P156-60mc-Si (xxx=250 to 290 in step of 5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleHanwha Q.CELLS GmbHQ.PRIME L-G5sc-Si 335 - 345 (in step of 5 Wp)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleHanwha Q.CELLS GmbHQ.PRIME-G5sc-Si 280 - 290 (in step of 5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleHanwha Q.CELLS GmbHQ.POWER-G5mc-Si 265 - 275 (in step of 5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleHanwha Q.CELLS GmbHQ.PEAK G4 (60 C)Sc-Si, 300-310 ( in step of 5 )01/01/2027
-PV ModuleHanwha Q.CELLS GmbHQ.PEAK L_G4 (72 C)Sc-Si, 345-360 ( in step of 5 )01/01/2027
-PV ModuleHanwha Q.CELLS GmbHQ.PLUS G4 (60 C)mc-Si, 270-280 ( in step of 5 )01/01/2027
-PV ModuleHanwha Q.CELLS GmbHQ.PLUS L_G4 (72 C)mc-Si, 330-340 ( in step of 5 )01/01/2027
-PV ModuleHanwha Q.CELLS GmbHQ.PEAK G4 (60 C)Sc-Si, 300-310 ( in step of 5 )01/01/2027
-PV ModuleHanwha Q.CELLS GmbHQ.PEAK L_G4 (72 C)Sc-Si, 345-360 ( in step of 5 )01/01/2027
-PV ModuleHanwha Q.CELLS GmbHQ.PLUS G4 (60 C)mc-Si, 270-280 ( in step of 5 )01/01/2027
-PV ModuleHanwha Q.CELLS GmbHQ.PEAK G4 (60 C)sc-Si, 300-310wp (in step of 5wp)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleHanwha Q.CELLS GmbHQ.PEAK L_G4 (72 C)sc-Si, 345-360wp (in step of 5wp)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleHanwha Q.CELLS GmbHQ.PLUS G4 (60 C)mc-si, 270-280wp (in step of 5wp)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleHanwha Q.CELLS GmbHQ.PLUS L_G4 (72 C)mc-si, 330-340wp (in step of 5wp)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleHanwha Q.CELLS GmbHQ.PLUS L_G4 (72 C)mc-Si, 330-340 ( in step of 5 )01/01/2027
-PV ModuleHanwha Q.CELLS GmbHQ.Power LG-5mc-Si 315-330W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleHanwha Q.CELLS GmbHQ.PEAK L-G5sc-Si, 355-370 Wp, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleHanwha Q.CELLS GmbHQ.PEAK-G5.0.Gsc-Si, 295-310 Wp, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleJA SolarJAM6-48-XXX/PR(xxx=220-230) Mc-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJA SolarJAM6-60/72-XXX/PR(xxx=285-295/335-350) Mc-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJA SolarJAP6-60/72-XXX/4BB(xxx=270-275/315-325) Mc-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJA SolarJAM6(L)-60/72-XXX/4BB(xxx=270-280/320-330) Mc-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJA SolarJAM6-72-XXX/SI(xxx=285-325W) Mc-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJA SolarJAP6-60/72-XXX/3BB(xxx=260-275/310-325) Mc-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJA SolarJAP6(K) 60/72 4BB(xxx=255-275/305-325) Mc-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJA SolarJAP6(K)(DG) 60/72 4BB(xxx=255-275/310-325) Mc-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJA SolarJAM6(K)(DG) 60/72 4BB(xxx=260-285/325-340) Mono crystalline01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJA SolarJAM72D00 - xxx/PR(xxx=330-360) Mono crystalline01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJA SolarJAM72D00 - xxx/SC(xxx=320-340) Mono crystalline01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJA SolarJAM60D00 - xxx/PR(xxx=285-300) Mono crystalline01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJA SolarJAM72D00 - xxx/SC(xxx=265-280) Mono crystalline01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJA SolarJAM72S01- xxx/SC(xxx=320-340) Mono crystalline01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJA SolarJAM72S01- xxx/PR(xxx=345-365) Mono crystalline01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJA SolarJAM6(K)(DG) 60/72/PR(xxx=270-295/330-350) Mono crystalline01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJA SolarJAM60S01- xxx/SC(xxx=265-280) Mono crystalline01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJA SolarJAM60S01- xxx/PR(xxx=285-300) Mono crystalline01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJA SolarJAP72D00- xxx/SC(xxx=310-330) Poly-crystalline01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJA SolarJAP72D00- xxx/SC(xxx=260-270) Poly-crystalline01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJA SolarJAP72S01- xxx/SC(xxx=305-330) Poly-crystalline01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJA SolarJAP72S01- xxx/PR(xxx=305-345)Poly-crystalline01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJA SolarJAP60S01- xxx/SC(xxx=255-280) Poly-crystalline01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJA SolarJAP60S01- xxx/PR(xxx=275-285) Poly-crystalline01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJA SolarJAM72D00-xxx/BP(xxx=355-385) Mono crystalline01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJA SolarJAM72S01-xxx/PR(xxx=355-380) Mono crystalline01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJA SolarJAP72S01-xxx/SC(xxx=315-340) Poly-crystalline01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJA SolarJAM72D10-xxx/MB(xxx=385-410) Mono crystalline01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJA SolarJAM72S09-xxx/PR(xxx=370-405) Mono crystalline01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJA SolarJAM72S10-xxx/MR(xxx=390-405) Mono crystalline01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJA SolarJAM66S30-xxx/MR(xxx=480-505) Mono crystalline01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJA SolarJAM72S30-xxx/MR(xxx=525-550) Mono crystalline01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJA SolarJAM72S20-xxx/MR(xxx=445-470) Mono crystalline01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJAKSON Engineers LimitedJP-AXB (A=24)B = 270-330 Multi c-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJAKSON Engineers LimitedJP-AXB (A=24)B = 240-280 Multi c-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJAKSON Engineers LimitedJP-AXB (A=24)B = 200-230 Multi c-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJAKSON Engineers LimitedJP-AXB (A=24)B = 175-200 Multi c-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJAKSON Engineers LimitedJP-AXB (A=24)B = 150-175 Multi c-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJAKSON Engineers LimitedJP-AXB (A=24)B = 120-140 Multi c-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJAKSON Engineers LimitedJP-AXB (A=24)B = 100-115 Multi c-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJAKSON Engineers LimitedJP-AXB (A=24)B = 220-290 Multi c-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJAKSON Engineers LimitedJP-AXB (A=24)B = 200-235 Multi c-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJAKSON Engineers LimitedJP-AXB (A=24)B = 165-190 Multi c-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJAKSON Engineers LimitedJP-AXB (A=24)B = 145-170 Multi c-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJAKSON Engineers LimitedJP-AXB (A=24)B = 125-140 Multi c-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJAKSON Engineers LimitedJP-AXB (A=24)B = 100-120 Multi c-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJAKSON Engineers LimitedJP-AXB (A=12)B = 270-330 Multi c-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJAKSON Engineers LimitedJP-AXB (A=12)B = 240-280 Multi c-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJAKSON Engineers LimitedJP-AXB (A=12)B = 200-230 Multi c-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJAKSON Engineers LimitedJP-AXB (A=12)B = 175-200 Multi c-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJAKSON Engineers LimitedJP-AXB (A=12)B = 150-175 Multi c-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJAKSON Engineers LimitedJP-AXB (A=12)B = 120-140 Multi c-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJAKSON Engineers LimitedJP-AXB (A=12)B = 100-115 Multi c-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJAKSON Engineers LimitedJP-AXB (A=12)B = 200-260 Multi c-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJAKSON Engineers LimitedJP-AXB (A=12)B = 180-215 Multi c-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJAKSON Engineers LimitedJP-AXB (A=12)B = 130-175 Multi c-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJAKSON Engineers LimitedJP-AXB (A=12)B = 120-140 Multi c-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJAKSON Engineers LimitedJP-AXB (A=12)B = 100-110 Multi c-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJAKSON Engineers LimitedJP-AXB (A=12; B=90-95)90-95 Multi c-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJAKSON Engineers LimitedJP-AXB (A=12; B=80-90)80-90 Multi c-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJAKSON Engineers LimitedJP-AXB (A=12; B=74-80)74-80 Multi c-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJAKSON Engineers LimitedJP-AXB (A=12; B=60-65)60-65 Multi c-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJAKSON Engineers LimitedJP-AXB (A=12; B=50-55)50-55 Multi c-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJAKSON Engineers LimitedJP-AXB (A=12; B=37-45)37-45 Multi c-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJAKSON Engineers LimitedJP-AXB (A=12; B=24-30)24-30 Multi c-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJAKSON Engineers LimitedJP-AXB (A=12; B=18-22)18-22 Multi c-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJAKSON Engineers LimitedJP-AXB (A=12; B=13-17)13-17 Multi c-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJAKSON Engineers LimitedJP-AXB (A=12; B=10-12)10-12 Multi c-Si01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJinko SolarJKMxxxP-60210-280W, in steps of 5 poly01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJinko SolarJKMxxxP-72250-335W,in steps of 5 poly01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJinko SolarJKMxxxPP-60210-280W,in steps of 5 poly01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJinko SolarJKMxxxPP-72250-335W,in steps of 5 poly01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJinko SolarJKMSxxxP-60210-280W,in steps of 5 poly01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJinko SolarJKMSxxxP-72250-335W,in steps of 5 poly01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJinko SolarJKMxxxPP-60-V210-280W, in steps of 5 poly01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJinko SolarJKMxxxPP-72-V250-340, in steps of 5 poly01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJinko SolarJKMxxxPP-60-DV240-285, in steps of 5 poly01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJinko SolarJKMxxxPP-72-DV285-345, in steps of 5 poly01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJinko SolarJKMxxxM-60280-320, in steps of 5 poly01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJinko SolarJKMxxxM-72335-385, in steps of 5 poly01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJinko SolarJKMSxxxPP-60210-280, in steps of 5 poly01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJinko SolarJAM6(K)-72-xxx/PRmono-crystalline 345-360, in step of 5W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJinko SolarJAM6(K)-72-xxx/PRmono-crystalline 285-300 in step of 5W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJinko SolarJKMxxxM-60mono-crystalline 265-285, in step of 5 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJinko SolarJKMxxxM-72mono-crystalline 325-345, in step of 5 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJinko SolarJKMxxxM-60mono-crystalline 290-310, in step of 5 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJinko SolarJKMxxxM-72mono-crystalline 340-360, in step of 5 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJinko SolarJKMxxxPP-60poly-crystalline 260-280, in step of 5 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJinko SolarJKMxxxPP-72poly-crystalline 315-335, in step of 5 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJinko SolarJKMSxxxPP-72250-340, in steps of 5 poly01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJinko SolarJKMxxxM-72mono-crystalline 395 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJinko SolarJKMxxxM-72-Vmono-crystalline 390 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJinko SolarJKMxxxM-7RL3-Vmono-crystalline 450-470, in step of 5 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJinko SolarJKMxxxM-60HL4-Vmono-crystalline 430-450, in step of 5 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJinko SolarJKMxxxM-72HL4-Vmono-crystalline 530-550, in step of 5 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJinko SolarJKMxxxM-72HL4-TVmono-crystalline 525-545, in step of 5 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJinko SolarJKMxxxM-72HL4-BDVPmono-crystalline 525-545, in step of 5 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJiangsu Aiduo Photovoltaic TechADXXX-36Pmc-Si, XXX=130-150W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleJiangsu Aiduo Photovoltaic TechADXXX-36Ssc-Si, XXX=135-155W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleJiangsu Aiduo Photovoltaic TechADXXX-48Pmc-Si, XXX=175-225W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleJiangsu Aiduo Photovoltaic TechADXXX-48Ssc-Si, XXX=180-205W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleJiangsu Aiduo Photovoltaic TechADXXX-54Pmc-Si, XXX=200-225W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleJiangsu Aiduo Photovoltaic TechADXXX-54Ssc-Si, XXX=210-235W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleJiangsu Aiduo Photovoltaic TechADXXX-60Pmc-Si, XXX=255-265W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleJiangsu Aiduo Photovoltaic TechADXXX-60Ssc-Si, XXX=230-260W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleJiangsu Aiduo Photovoltaic TechADXXX-72Msc-Si, XXX=175-205W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleJiangsu Aiduo Photovoltaic TechADXXX-72Pmc-Si, XXX=270-320W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleJiangsu Aiduo Photovoltaic TechADXXX-72Ssc-Si, XXX=280-320W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleJiangsu Aiduo Photovoltaic TechADXXX-72Msc-Si, XXX=175-205W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleJiangsu Aiduo Photovoltaic TechADXXX-36Ssc-Si, XXX=135-175W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleJiangsu Aiduo Photovoltaic TechADXXX-48Ssc-Si, XXX=180-235W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleJiangsu Aiduo Photovoltaic TechADXXX-54Ssc-Si, XXX=210-265W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleJiangsu Aiduo Photovoltaic TechADXXX-60Ssc-Si, XXX=230-295W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleJiangsu Aiduo Photovoltaic TechADXXX-72Ssc-Si, XXX=280-355W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleJiangsu Aiduo Photovoltaic TechADXXX-36Pmc-Si, XXX=130-170W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleJiangsu Aiduo Photovoltaic TechADXXX-40Pmc-Si, XXX=160-185W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleJiangsu Aiduo Photovoltaic TechADXXX-48Pmc-Si, XXX=175-225W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleJiangsu Aiduo Photovoltaic TechADXXX-54Pmc-Si, XXX=200-255W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleJiangsu Aiduo Photovoltaic TechADXXX-72Pmc-Si, XXX=270-340W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleJiangsu Aiduo Photovoltaic TechADXXX-60Pmc-Si, XXX=225-280W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleJuli New EnergyJLS60P250W(156)mc-si 250 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJyotitech Solar LLPJTS xxxmc-si 37W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJyotitech Solar LLPJTS xxxmc-si 40W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJyotitech Solar LLPJTS xxxmc-si 50W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJyotitech Solar LLPJTS xxxmc-si 75W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJyotitech Solar LLPJTS xxxmc-si 100W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJyotitech Solar LLPJTS xxxmc-si 150W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJyotitech Solar LLPJTS xxxmc-si 255W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJyotitech Solar LLPJTS xxxmc-si 260W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJyotitech Solar LLPJTS xxxmc-si 200W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJyotitech Solar LLPJTS xxxmc-si 250W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJyotitech Solar LLPJTS xxxmc-si 300W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJyotitech Solar LLPJTS xxxmc-si 305W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJyotitech Solar LLPJTS xxxmc-si 310W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJyotitech Solar LLPJTS xxxmc-si 315W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJyotitech Solar LLPJTS xxxmc-si 320W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJolywood (taizhou) Solar TechJW-D72N-XXXxxx=310-360W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleJolywood (taizhou) Solar TechJW-D60N-xxxxxx=255-300W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleJolywood (taizhou) Solar TechJW-T72N-xxxxxx=310-355W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleJolywood (taizhou) Solar TechJW-T60N-xxxxxx=255-295W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleLG ElectronicsLG275S1C-B3sc-Si 275 W/0 - +3%01/01/2027
-PV ModuleLG ElectronicsLG280S1C-B3sc-Si 280 W/0 - +3%01/01/2027
-PV ModuleLG ElectronicsLG300N1C-B3sc-Si 300 W/0 - +3%01/01/2027
-PV ModuleLG ElectronicsLG305N1C-B3sc-Si 305 W/0 - +3%01/01/2027
-PV ModuleLG ElectronicsLG300N1C-G4sc-Si 300W/0 - +3%01/01/2027
-PV ModuleLG ElectronicsLG280S1C-L4sc-Si 280 W/0 - +3%01/01/2027
-PV ModuleLG ElectronicsLG285S1C-L4sc-Si 285 W/0 - +3%01/01/2027
-PV ModuleLG ElectronicsLG290S1C-L4sc-Si 290 W/0 - +3%01/01/2027
-PV ModuleLG ElectronicsLG300N1K-G4sc-Si 300W/0 - +3%01/01/2027
-PV ModuleLG ElectronicsLG305N1C-G4sc-Si 305W/0 - +3%01/01/2027
-PV ModuleLG ElectronicsLG310N1C-G4sc-Si 310W/0 - +3%01/01/2027
-PV ModuleLG ElectronicsLG315N1C-G4sc-Si 315W/0 - +3%01/01/2027
-PV ModuleLG ElectronicsLG320N1C-G4sc-Si 320W/0 - +3%01/01/2027
-PV ModuleLG ElectronicsLGxxxN1C-A5Sc-Si 335W, 330W,325W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleLG ElectronicsLGxxxN1K-A5Sc-Si 320W, 315W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleLG ElectronicsLGxxxN2C-A5Sc-Si 410W, 405W, 400W, 395W, 390W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleLG ElectronicsLGxxxN2W-A5Sc-Si 410W, 405W, 400W, 395W, 390W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleLG ElectronicsLGxxxS1C-A5Sc-Si 300W, 295W, 290W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleLG ElectronicsLG315N1W-G4Sc-si 315W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleLG ElectronicsLGxxxS2W-A5Sc-Si 360W, 355W, 350W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleLG ElectronicsLGxxxQ1C-A5sc-Si 350-370, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleLARRI Solar TechnologyLR6-60-xxxMmc-Si 300 -360 W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleLARRI Solar TechnologyLR6-72-xxxMmc-Si 250 -300 W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleLooop IncLPW-270P-60Hmc-SI 270W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleLooop IncLPW-275P-60Hmc-SI 275W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleLongi Green Energy TechnologyLR6-60-xxxMmc-Si, 270-300 ( in step of 5 )01/01/2027
-PV ModuleLongi Green Energy TechnologyLR6-72-xxxMmc-Si, 320-350 ( in step of 5 )01/01/2027
-PV ModuleLongi Green Energy TechnologyLR6-60PE-xxxMmc-Si, 280-310 ( in step of 5 )01/01/2027
-PV ModuleLongi Green Energy TechnologyLR6-72PE-xxxMmc-Si, 340-375 ( in step of 5 )01/01/2027
-PV ModuleLongi Green Energy TechnologyLR6-60-xxxMmc-Si,270W-300W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleLongi Green Energy TechnologyLR6-72-xxxMmc-Si, 320W-350W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleLongi Green Energy TechnologyLR6-60PE-xxxMmc-Si, 280W-310W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleLongi Green Energy TechnologyLR-60BP-xxxmc-Si, 290 - 305, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleLongi Green Energy TechnologyLR-72BP-xxxmc-Si, 350-370, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleLongi Green Energy TechnologyLR6-72PE-xxxMmc-Si, 340W-375W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleLongi Green Energy TechnologyLR4-72HPH-xxxMsc-Si, 450W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleLongi Green Energy TechnologyLR5-72HPH-xxxMsc-Si, 530-550W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleMAYSUN SOLAR FZCOMSxxxM-72sc-Si, xxx=285-340, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleMAYSUN SOLAR FZCOMSxxxM-60sc-Si, xxx=240-285, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleMAYSUN SOLAR FZCOMSxxxM-36sc-Si, xxx=145-170, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleMAYSUN SOLAR FZCOMSxxxP-72mc-Si, xxx=285-340, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleMAYSUN SOLAR FZCOMSxxxP-60mc-Si, xxx=235-280, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleMAYSUN SOLAR FZCOMSxxxP-36mc-Si, xxx=140-165, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleMiasole Hi-tech CorpFLEX-02 xxx NSCIGS-65-85W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleMiasole Hi-tech CorpFLEX-02 xxx NCIGS-110-130W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleMiasole Hi-tech CorpFLEX-02 xxx WSCIGS-210-250W, in step of 1001/01/2027
-PV ModuleMiasole Hi-tech CorpFLEX-02 WCIGS-340-380W, in step of 1001/01/2027
-PV ModuleMiasole Hi-tech CorpFLEX-02 XXX C132CIGS-255 -305W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleNeo Solar Power CorporationD6PxxxB3Amc-Si 210 - 275 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleNeo Solar Power CorporationD6PxxxB5Amc-Si 185 - 245 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleNeo Solar Power CorporationD6PxxxB2Amc-Si 170 - 220 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleNeo Solar Power CorporationD6PxxxB1Amc-Si 125 -165 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleNeo Solar Power CorporationD6PxxxA3Amc-Si 210 - 250 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleNeo Solar Power CorporationD6PxxxA5Amc-Si 185 - 225 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleNeo Solar Power CorporationD6PxxxA2Amc-Si 170 - 200 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleNeo Solar Power CorporationD6PxxxA1Amc-Si 125 - 145 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleNeo Solar Power CorporationD6LxxxK4Asc-Si 360 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleNeo Solar Power CorporationD6LxxxL3Asc-Si 290-305, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleNeo Solar Power CorporationD6LxxxL4Asc-Si 350-365, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleNICE SUN PVNCS-6BMXXXsc-Si 215-285 in increments of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleNICE SUN PVNCS-6AMXXXsc-Si 255-345 in increments of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleNICE SUN PVNCS-6APXXXmc-Si 255-340 in increments of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleNingbo Ulica SolarUL-xxxM-60sc-Si 270 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleNingbo Ulica SolarUL-xxxP-60mc-Si 260-270W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleNingbo Ulica SolarUL-xxxM-72sc-Si 320-330W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleNingbo Ulica SolarUL-xxxP-72mc-Si 310-320W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleNoor Solar TechnologyNST18-6-xxxPmc-Si xxx=70 - 80 Wp, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleNoor Solar TechnologyNST32-6-xxxPmc-Si xxx=120-145 Wp, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleNoor Solar TechnologyNST36-6-xxxPmc-Si xxx=135-160 Wp, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleNoor Solar TechnologyNST40-6-xxxPmc-Si xxx=150-180 Wp, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleNoor Solar TechnologyNST48-6-xxxPmc-Si xxx=180-220 Wp, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleNoor Solar TechnologyNST54-6-xxxPmc-Si xxx=205-245 Wp, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleNoor Solar TechnologyNST60-6-xxxPmc-Si xxx=225-275 Wp, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleNoor Solar TechnologyNST66-6-xxxPmc-Si xxx=250-300 Wp, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleNoor Solar TechnologyNST72-6-xxxPmc-Si xxx=270-330 Wp, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleNoor Solar TechnologyNST18-6-xxxMsc-Si xxx=85-95 Wp, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleNoor Solar TechnologyNST32-6-xxxMsc-Si xxx=145-175 Wp, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleNoor Solar TechnologyNST36-6-xxxMsc-Si xxx=165-195 Wp, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleNoor Solar TechnologyNST40-6-xxxMsc-Si xxx=180-220 Wp, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleNoor Solar TechnologyNST48-6-xxxMsc-Si xxx=220-260 Wp, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleNoor Solar TechnologyNST54-6-xxxMsc-Si xxx=245-295 Wp, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleNoor Solar TechnologyNST60-6-xxxMsc-Si xxx=270-330 Wp, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleOmsun Power Private LimitedOM60XXXMc-Si 210-275 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleOmsun Power Private LimitedOM60XXXMc-Si 180-200 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleOmsun Power Private LimitedOM54XXXMc-Si 150-170 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleOmsun Power Private LimitedOM36XXXMc-Si 110-140 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleOmsun Power Private LimitedOM36XXXMc-Si 100 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleONYX SOLAR ENERGY434 BA-10000500-20-1a-Si 16W (+/-10%)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleONYX SOLAR ENERGYX3X-BN-12451849-00-1X= 4/5/6, a-Si 136.53 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleONYX SOLAR ENERGYX3X-BN-12451849-10-1X= 4/5/6, a-Si 99.36 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleONYX SOLAR ENERGYX3X-BN-12451849-20-1X= 4/5/6, a-Si 78.84 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleONYX SOLAR ENERGYX3X-BN-12451849-30-1X= 4/5/6, a-Si 60.71 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleONYX SOLAR ENERGYX3X-BN-12452456-00-1X= 4/5/6, a-Si 182.04 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleONYX SOLAR ENERGYX3X-BN-12452456-10-1X= 4/5/6, a-Si 132.48 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleONYX SOLAR ENERGYX3X-BN-12452456-20-1X= 4/5/6, a-Si 105.12 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleONYX SOLAR ENERGYX3X-BN-12452456-30-1X= 4/5/6, a-Si 80.94 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleONYX SOLAR ENERGYX3X-BN-12450635-00-1X= 4/5/6, a-Si 45.51 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleONYX SOLAR ENERGYX3X-BN-12450635-10-1X= 4/5/6, a-Si 33.12 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleONYX SOLAR ENERGYX3X-BN-12450635-20-1X= 4/5/6, a-Si 26.28 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleONYX SOLAR ENERGYX3X-BN-12450635-30-1X= 4/5/6, a-Si 20.24 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleONYX SOLAR ENERGYX3X-BN-12451242-00-1X= 4/5/6, a-Si 91.02 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleONYX SOLAR ENERGYX3X-BN-12451242-10-1X= 4/5/6, a-SI 66.24 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleONYX SOLAR ENERGYX3X-BN-12451242-20-1X= 4/5/6, a-Si 52.56 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleONYX SOLAR ENERGYX3X-BN-12451242-30-1X= 4/5/6, a-Si 40.47 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleONYX SOLAR ENERGY636-BN-06000600-00-1a-Si 20.06 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleONYX SOLAR ENERGY636-BN-24620635-10-1a-Si 63.0 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleONYX SOLAR ENERGYONYX G/G M/Psc-Si/mc-Si, 140 - 650 Wp, 36 - 168 cells01/01/2027
-PV ModulePanasonicVBMS260AE04Poly 260 W01/01/2027
-PV ModulePanasonicVBMS255AE04Poly 255 W01/01/2027
-PV ModulePanasonicVBMS250AE04Poly 250 W01/01/2027
-PV ModulePanasonicVBHN235SJ25HIT Cell Technology 235W01/01/2027
-PV ModulePanasonicVBHN240SJ25HIT Cell Technology 240W01/01/2027
-PV ModulePanasonicVBHN245SJ25HIT Cell Technology 245W01/01/2027
-PV ModulePanasonicVBHN235SE10HIT Cell Technology 235W01/01/2027
-PV ModulePanasonicVBHN294SJ45HIT Cell Technology 294W01/01/2027
-PV ModulePanasonicAE6PXXXWB5Bmc-si,265W-275W ( in step of 5 )01/01/2027
-PV ModulePanasonicAE7PXXXVB5Bmc-si,320W-325 w ( in step of 5 )01/01/2027
-PV ModulePanasonicVBHN325SJ47HIT Cell Technology 325W01/01/2027
-PV ModulePerlight SolarPLM-XXXP-72mc-Si 235-320W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModulePerlight SolarPLM-XXXP-60mc-Si 195-265W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModulePerlight SolarPLM-XXXP-60mc-Si 240-260W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModulePerlight SolarPLM-XXXP-54mc-Si 220-235W, in spets of 501/01/2027
-PV ModulePerlight SolarPLM-XXXP-36mc-Si 145-155W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModulePerlight SolarPLM-XXXP-48mc-Si 195-210W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModulePerlight SolarPLM-XXXM-96sc-Si 230-280W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModulePerlight SolarPLM-XXXM-72sc-Si 290-315W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModulePerlight SolarPLM-XXXM-60sc-Si 240-265 W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModulePerlight SolarPLM-XXXM-54sc-Si 220-235W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModulePerlight SolarPLM-XXXM-36sc-Si 145-155W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModulePerlight SolarPLM-XXXM-48sc-Si 195-210W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModulePerlight SolarPLM-XXXM-66sc-Si 265-290W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModulePerlight SolarPLM-XXXMB-72sc-Si 290-315 W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModulePhiladelphia SolarPLM-XXXMB-60sc-Si 240-265W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModulePhiladelphia SolarPLM-XXXMB-54sc-Si 220-235W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModulePhiladelphia SolarPLM-XXXMB-48sc-Si 195-210W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModulePhiladelphia SolarPS-P72 XXXmc-Si 300-330W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModulePhiladelphia SolarPS-P60 XXXmc-Si 250-275W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModulePhiladelphia SolarPS-M72 XXXsc-Si 300-345W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModulePhiladelphia SolarPS-M60 XXXsc-Si 250-290W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModulePhono Solar TechnologyPSXXXM-24/FC-SI 170-210 W01/01/2027
-PV ModulePhono Solar TechnologyPSXXXM-20/UC-SI 215-280W01/01/2027
-PV ModulePhono Solar TechnologyPSXXXM-24/TC-SI 280-340W01/01/2027
-PV ModulePhono Solar TechnologyPSXXXP-20/UC-SI 215-275W01/01/2027
-PV ModulePhono Solar TechnologyPSXXXP-24/TC-SI 275-335W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleQingdao Raysolar New EnergyDM72-XXXWEsc-Si, 325-370 W, in steps of 5*01/01/2027
-PV ModuleQingdao Raysolar New EnergyDM72-XXXTEsc-Si, 325-370, in steps of 5*01/01/2027
-PV ModuleQingdao Raysolar New EnergyDM60-XXXWEsc-Si, 275-305, in steps of 5*01/01/2027
-PV ModuleQingdao Raysolar New EnergyDM60-XXXTEsc-Si, 275-305, in steps of 5*01/01/2027
-PV ModuleQingdao Raysolar New EnergyDM36-XXXTEsc-Si, 165-180, in steps of 5*01/01/2027
-PV ModuleQingdao Raysolar New EnergyDM28-XXXTEsc-Si, 130-140, in steps of 5*01/01/2027
-PV ModuleQingdao Raysolar New EnergyDP72-XXXWEmc-Si, 315-345, in steps of 5*01/01/2027
-PV ModuleQingdao Raysolar New EnergyDP72-XXXTEmc-Si, 315-345, in steps of 5*01/01/2027
-PV ModuleQingdao Raysolar New EnergyDP60-XXXWEmc-Si, 260-285, in steps of 5*01/01/2027
-PV ModuleQingdao Raysolar New EnergyDP60-XXXTEmc-Si, 260-285, in steps of 5*01/01/2027
-PV ModuleQingdao Raysolar New EnergyDP36-XXXTEmc-Si, 160-170, in steps of 5*01/01/2027
-PV ModuleQingdao Raysolar New EnergyDP28-XXXTEmc-Si, 125-130 , in steps of 5*01/01/2027
-PV ModuleREC SolarREC265TPmc-Si, 265 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleREC SolarREC270TPmc-Si, 270 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleREC SolarREC275TPmc-Si, 275 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleREC SolarREC280TPmc-Si, 280 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleREC SolarREC xxx PE 72mc-Si, 295 - 315 W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleREC SolarREC 260 PEmc-Si, 260 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleREC SolarRECxxxPE 72mc-Si, 300 - 320 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleREC SolarRECxxxPEmc-Si, 245 - 270 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleREC SolarRECxxxPE BLKmc-Si, 245 - 270 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleREC SolarRECxxxPE2S 72mc-Si, 320 - 330 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleREC SolarRECxxxPE2S 72 XVmc-Si, 320 - 330 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleREC SolarRECxxxTP 72mc-Si, 330 - 350 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleREC SolarRECxxxTP 72 XVmc-Si, 330 - 350 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleREC SolarRECxxxTPmc-Si, 265 - 285 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleREC SolarRECxxxTP BLKmc-Si, 265 - 285 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleREC SolarRECxxxTP2mc-Si, 280 - 295 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleREC SolarRECxxxTP2 BLKmc-Si, 280 - 295 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleREC SolarRECxxxTP2S 72mc-Si, 330 - 350 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleREC SolarRECxxxTP2S 72 XVmc-Si, 330 - 350 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleREC SolarRECxxxTP2S72mc-Si 330-355 Wp, in step of 5 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleREC SolarRECxxxTP2S72 XVmc-Si 330-355 Wp, in step of 5 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleRenesola JiangsuJCxxxS-24/Abssc-Si 315-335W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleRenesola JiangsuJCxxxS-24/Bbssc-Si 255-280W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleRenesola JiangsuJCxxxM-24/Absmc-Si 310-335W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleRenesola JiangsuJCxxxM-24/Bbsmc-Si 255-285W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleResun Solar EnergyRS5MxxxMsc-Si,235-280, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleResun Solar EnergyRS5AxxxMsc-Si,175-210, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleResun Solar EnergyRS5GxxxMsc-Si,90-105, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleResun Solar EnergyRS6SxxxMsc-Si,300-325, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleResun Solar EnergyRS6CxxxMsc-Si,250-270, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleResun Solar EnergyRS6DxxxMsc-Si,205-245, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleResun Solar EnergyRS6FxxxMsc-Si,180-215, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleResun Solar EnergyRS6SxxxPmc-si,295-330, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleResun Solar EnergyRS6CxxxPmc-si,240-275, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleResun Solar EnergyRS6DxxxPmc-si, 205-245, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleResun Solar EnergyRS6FxxxPmc-si,180-220, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleResun Solar EnergyRS6ExxxPmc-si,140-165, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleRISEN EnergySYP200Pmc-Si 200W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleRISEN EnergySYP 245SCrystalline 245W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleRISEN EnergyRSM36-6-150Pmc-Si 150W +3% +ve power tolerance01/01/2027
-PV ModuleRISEN EnergyRSM60-6-XXXPmc-Si 250-270W, in steps of 5 (+3%)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleRISEN EnergyRSM72-6-XXXPmc-Si 320-340W, in steps of 5 (+3%)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleRISEN EnergyRSM60-6-XXXPDGmc-Si 255-265W, in steps of 5 (+3%)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleRISEN EnergyRSM60-6-275Msc-Si 275 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleRenewSys India Private LimitedDESERV 3M6 XXXmc-si ( 36 cells ) 140 W - 170 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleRenewSys India Private LimitedDESERV 3M6 XXXmc-si ( 48 cells ) 185 W - 230W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleRenewSys India Private LimitedDESERV 3M6 XXXmc-si (54 cells ) 210 W - 260 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleRenewSys India Private LimitedDESERV 3M6 XXXmc-si ( 60 cells ) 235 W - 285 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleRenewSys India Private LimitedDESERV 3M6 XXXmc-si (72 cells ) 280 W - 345 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleS-EnergySM-xxxPC8Mc-Si 250-260W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleS-EnergySM-xxxPC8Mc-Si 295-305W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleS-EnergySN-xxxP10Mc-Si 250-265W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleS-EnergySN-xxxP10Mc-Si 295-315W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleSolvis d.o.o.SV60-xxxEsc-Si, 290-405, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleSolvis d.o.o.SV60-xxxmc-Si, 270-290, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleSolvis d.o.o.SV72-xxxEsc-Si, 345-365, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleSolvis d.o.o.SV72-xxxmc-Si, 320-340, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleSunovationeFORM Arc GG-260-Csc-Si 215.8 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSunovationeFORM Arc GG-125-Csc-Si 107.9 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSunovationeFORM Arc GG-160-Csc-Si 134.9 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSunovationeFORM Arc GG-130-Csc-Si 107.9 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSunovationeFORM Color GG-195-Fsc-Si 161.8 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSunovationeFORM Color GG-95-Fsc-Si 80.9 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSunovationeFORM Color GG-120-Fsc-Si 100.1 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSunovationeFORM Color GG-100-Fsc-Si 80.9 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSunovationeFORM Color GG-160-Fsc-Si 134.9 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSunovationeFORM Color GG-190-Fsc-Si 161.8 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSERAPHIM SOLAR SYSTEMSRP-XXX-6PAmc-Si (XXX=305-320), in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleSERAPHIM SOLAR SYSTEMSRP-XXX-6PBmc-Si (XXX=225-265), in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleSERAPHIM SOLAR SYSTEMSRP-XXX-6MAsc-Si (XXX=310-325), in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleSERAPHIM SOLAR SYSTEMSRP-XXX-6MBsc-Si (XXX=265-280), in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleShandong Linuo PV Hi-techLN260(30) M-4-xxxsc-Si, 270 -280 in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleShandong Linuo PV Hi-techLN260(30) P-4-xxxMc-Si, 260 -270 in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleShanghai Aerospace AutomobileHT72-156P-XXXPoly c-Si (XXX=310-330, in steps of 5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleShanghai Aerospace AutomobileHT60-156P-XXXPoly c-Si (XXX=260-275, in steps of 5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleShanghai Aerospace AutomobileHT72-156M-XXXsc-Si (XXX=330-345, 355-360, steps of 5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleShanghai Aerospace AutomobileHT60-156M-XXXsc-Si(XXX=270-310, in steps of 5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSharp ElectronicsNU-RJ XXXsc-Si 280 - 285W (in steps of 5W)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSharp ElectronicsND-RJ XXXmc-Si 255 - 275W (in steps of 5W)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSharp ElectronicsND-RCXXXpoly crystalline 215-310 in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleSharp ElectronicsNU-RDXXXmono crystalline 215-310 in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleSharp ElectronicsNU-RCXXXPoly crystalline215-310 in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleSharp ElectronicsND-RBxxxPoly crystalline 245-290 (in steps of 5W)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSharp ElectronicsNU-SCxxxsc-Si, 335-375 (in steps of 5W)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSharp ElectronicsNQ-RxxxA256- 260W (in steps of 2W)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSharp ElectronicsND-Ahxxxmono crystalline 285-340 W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleSharp ElectronicsND-RKxxxpoly crystalline 235-285W , in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleSharp ElectronicsNU-AHxxxpoly crystalline, 285-345W , in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleSolarWorld AGSunmodule Plus SW XXXmc-Si, 260 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSolarWorld AGSunmodule Plus SW XXXsc-Si, 270, 290, 295W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSolarWorld AGSunmodule SW XXX XLsc-Si, 340, 345W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSolarWorld AGSunmodule Protect SWsc-Si, 280 Watt peak 0 / + 5 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSolarWorld AGSunmodule Plus SW 260mc-Si, 260 Watt peak 0/+ 5 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSolarWorld AGSunmodule Plus SW 265mc-Si, 265 Watt peak 0/+ 5 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSolarWorld AGSunmodule Plus SW 285sc-Si, 285 Watt peak 0 / + 5 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSolarWorld AGSunmodule Plus SW 285sc-Si, 285 Watt peak 0 / + 5 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSolarWorld AGSunmodule Plus SW 290sc-Si, 290 Watt peak 0 / + 5 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSolarWorld AGSunmodule Plus SW 300sc-Si, 300 Watt peak 0 / + 5 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSolarWorld AGSunmodule SW 325 XLsc-Si, 325 Watt peak 0 / + 5 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSolarWorld AGSunmodule SW 335 XLsc-Si, 335 Watt peak 0 / + 5 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSolarWorld AGSunmodule SW 340 XLsc-Si, 340 Watt peak 0 / + 5 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSolarWorld AGSunmodule SW 345 XLsc-Si, 345 Watt peak 0 / + 5 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSolarWorld AGSunmodule SW 350 XLsc-Si, 350 Watt peak 0 / + 5 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSolarWorld AGSunmodule Bisun SW 280duo, sc-Si, 280 Watt peak 0 / + 5 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSolarWorld AGSunmodule Bisun SW 325duo, sc-Si, 325 Watt peak 0 / + 5 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSOLARWATT GmbHVision 60Pmc-Si (275-285 Wp, in step of 5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSOLARWATT GmbHVision 60P stylemc-Si (265 Wp , 270 Wp)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSOLARWATT GmbHVision 60M stylesc-Si (280-295 Wp), in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleSOLARWATT GmbHVision 60M high powersc-Si (295 Wp, 300 Wp)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSolar FrontierSFXXX-SCIGS 130-170W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSolar Leading Group LimitedJKMXXXP-60mc-Si 245-265W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleSolar Leading Group LimitedJKMXXXP-72mc-Si 295-320W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleSolar Leading Group LimitedJKMXXXM-60sc-Si 255-280W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleSolar Leading Group LimitedJKMXXXM-72sc-Si 300-320W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleSolon International LL FZESolon Blue/Black 220/16sc-Si, mc-Si 225 - 275 WP01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSolon International LL FZESolon Blue/black 230/07sc-Si, mc-Si 225-275 WP01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSolon International LL FZESolon Black 230/02sc-Si, mc-Si 225-275 WP01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSolon International LL FZESolon Blue 270/11sc-Si, mc-Si 300-330 WP01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSolon International LL FZESolon Blue 270/12sc-Si, mc-Si 300-330 WP01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSolon International LL FZESolon Blue 270/17sc-Si, mc-Si 300-330 WP01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSolon International LL FZESolon Black 280/11sc-Si, mc-Si 300-330 WP01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSolon International LL FZESolon Black 280/12sc-Si, mc-Si 300-330 WP01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSolon International LL FZESolon Black 280/17sc-Si, mc-Si 300-330 WP01/01/2027
-PV ModuleStionSTO-XXXACIGS 120-160W, in steps of 5 - +2%01/01/2027
-PV ModuleStionSTL-XXXACIGS 120-160W, in steps of 5 - +2%01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSunPowerSPR-X20-327-COMsc-Si, 327- 450W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSunPowerSPR-X21-345-COMsc-Si, 327- 450W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSunPowerSPR-E20-435 COMsc-Si, 327- 450W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSunPowerSPR-E20-435sc-Si, 327- 450W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSunPowerSPR-E20-327 COMsc-Si, 327- 450W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSunPowerSPR-P17-3xx COMmc-si (xxx=315-85 in steps of 1, 498 cells)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSunPowerSPR-E20-327sc-Si, 327- 450W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSunPowerSPR-P19-xxx-COMsc-Si,, 380-405, in step of 101/01/2027
-PV ModuleSunPowerPVC385 MPsc-Si, 385 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSunPowerPVC390 MPsc-Si, 390W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSunPowerPVC395 MPsc-Si, 395W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSunPowerPVC400 MPsc-Si, 400W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSunPowerPVC405 MPsc-Si, 405W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSunPowerE20-xxxsc-Si, (410-440, in step of 1W)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSolibro GmbH PV ModuleSL2CIGS 125-15001/01/2027
-PV ModuleSolibro GmbH PV ModuleSL2-FCIGS 125-15001/01/2027
-PV ModuleSunset Energitechnik GmbHASxxx/72250-345W in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleSunset Energitechnik GmbHASxxx/60210-290W in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleSunset Energitechnik GmbHASxxx/50180-235W in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleSunset Energitechnik GmbHASxxx/36130-170W in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleSunset Energitechnik GmbHPXxxx/72240-340W in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleSunset Energitechnik GmbHPXxxx/60205-285W in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleSunset Energitechnik GmbHPXxxx/50175-235W in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleSunset Energitechnik GmbHPXxxx/36130-170W in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleSuzhou Akcome OptronicsSK6612M-xxxsc-Si, 340W-375W in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleSuzhou Akcome OptronicsSK6610M-xxxsc-Si, 280W-315W in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleSuzhou Akcome OptronicsSK6612P-xxxsc-Si ,320W-350W in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleSuzhou Akcome OptronicsSK6610P-xxxmc-Si ,265W-290W in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleSOLARONE CompanyS1M290Mono-Si 290W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSOLARONE CompanyS1M300Mono-Si 300W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSOLARONE CompanyS1-xxx-60MMono-Si 300-330 (in steps of 5 W)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSOLARONE CompanyS1-xxx-72MMono-Si 360-390 (in steps of 5 W)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSOLARONE CompanyS1-xxx-72MHMono-Si 360-390 (in steps of 5 W)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSOLARTECC Green Energy FactorySTG-72-MMono-Si 400W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleTata Power Solar ModulesTS XXX SBZ130-160 W in steps of 5, 36 cells01/01/2027
-PV ModuleTata Power Solar ModulesTPXXX SBZ130-160 W in steps of 5, 36 cells01/01/2027
-PV ModuleTata Power Solar ModulesTS XXX XBZ175-215 W in steps of 5, 48 cells01/01/2027
-PV ModuleTata Power Solar ModulesTP XXX XBZ175-215 W in steps of 5, 48 cells01/01/2027
-PV ModuleTata Power Solar ModulesTS XXX XBZ200-245 W in steps of 5, 54 cells01/01/2027
-PV ModuleTata Power Solar ModulesTP XXX XBZ200-245 W in steps of 5, 54 cells01/01/2027
-PV ModuleTata Power Solar ModulesTS XXX MBZ220-270 W in steps of 5, 60 cells01/01/2027
-PV ModuleTata Power Solar ModulesTP XXX MBZ220-270 W in steps of 5, 60 cells01/01/2027
-PV ModuleTata Power Solar ModulesTP XXX LBZ265-325 W in steps of 5, 72 cells01/01/2027
-PV ModuleTata Power Solar ModulesTS XXX SGZ155-170 W in steps of 5, 36 cells01/01/2027
-PV ModuleTata Power Solar ModulesTP XXX SGZ155-170 W in steps of 5, 36 cells01/01/2027
-PV ModuleTata Power Solar ModulesTS XXX XGZ185-225 W in steps of 5, 48 cells01/01/2027
-PV ModuleTata Power Solar ModulesTP XXX XGZ185-225 W in steps of 5, 48 cells01/01/2027
-PV ModuleTata Power Solar ModulesTS XXX XGZ210-255 W in steps of 5, 54 cells01/01/2027
-PV ModuleTata Power Solar ModulesTP XXX XGZ210-255 W in steps of 5, 54 cells01/01/2027
-PV ModuleTata Power Solar ModulesTS XXX MGZ230-285 W in steps of 5, 60 cells01/01/2027
-PV ModuleTata Power Solar ModulesTP XXX MGZ230-285 W in steps of 5, 60 cells01/01/2027
-PV ModuleTata Power Solar ModulesTP XXX LGZ280-340 W in steps of 5, 72 cells01/01/2027
-PV ModuleTata Power Solar ModulesTC XXX295-320 W in steps of 5, 72 cells01/01/2027
-PV ModuleTrina SolarTSM-xxxPDG5Poly c-Si 230-290 W,in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleTrina SolarTSM-xxxPDG5.50Poly c-Si 230-290W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleTrina SolarTSM-xxx PDG14Poly c-Si 230-290W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleTrina SolarTSM-xxx PEG5Poly c-Si 230-290W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleTrina SolarTSM-xxx PEG5.50Poly c-Si 230-290W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleTrina SolarTSM-xxx PEG14Poly c-Si 230-290W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleTrina SolarTSM-xxxPD05mc-Si, 265-275W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleTrina SolarTSM-xxxDD05A(II)mono c-Si, 270-315W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleTrina SolarTSM-DD014A(II)mono c-Si, 325-375W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleTrina SolarTSM-DEG5(II)mc-Si, 260-315W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleTrina SolarTSM-xxxPD14mc-Si 325-345, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleTrina SolarTSM-DEG14(II)mc-Si, 325-375W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleTrina SolarTSM-xxxDEG14C.07 (II)mc-Si 345-365 Wp, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleTrina SolarTSM-xxxDEG5C.07 (II)mc-Si 290-310 Wp, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleTrina SolarTSM-xxxDE15H(II)mc-Si 380-410 Wp, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleTrina SolarTSM-xxxDE15M(II)mc-Si 390-415 Wp, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleTrina SolarTSM-xxxDE20mono c-Si, 585-605W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleTrina SolarTSM-xxxDE19mono c-Si, 530-555W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleTrina SolarTSM-XXXDE18M(II)mono c-Si, 485-505W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleTSMC Solar Europe GmbHTS-xxxC2CIGS 140-150W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleTSMC Solar Europe GmbHTS-xxxC1CIGS 140/150/155/165W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleUpsolar GlobalUp-MxxxMsc-Si 260-290W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleUpsolar GlobalUp-MxxxMsc-Si 310-345W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleUpsolar GlobalUp-MxxxPmc-Si 250-285W, instep of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleUpsolar GlobalUp-MxxxPmc-Si 300-340W, instep of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleViessmann Werke Gmbh & CoVITOVOLT 300 Pxxx PSEBmc-Si 250-260 W, in steps of 5 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleVietnam Sunergy Joint StockVSUNxxx-144BMH-DGsc-Si 530-540W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleVietnam Sunergy Joint StockVSUNxxx-144BMHsc-Si 530-545W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleVietnam Sunergy Joint StockVSUNxxx-144MHsc-Si 535-545W, in step of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleVikram Solar Private LimitedVSP.36.AAA.03ELDORA, sc-Si 137-168 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleVikram Solar Private LimitedVSP.72.AAA.03ELDORA, sc-Si 275-335 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleVikram Solar Private LimitedVSPB.60.AAA.03ELDORA, sc-Si 228wp-279wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleVikram Solar Private LimitedVSPB.72.AAA.03ELDORA, sc-Si 275Wp-335wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleVikram Solar Private LimitedVSPBB.60.AAA.03ELDORA, sc-Si 228wp-279wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleVikram Solar Private LimitedVSP.60.AAA.03ELDORA, sc-si 240-270W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleVikram Solar Private LimitedVSP.72.AAA.03.04ELDORA, mc-Si AAA=285-350Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleVikram Solar Private LimitedVSM.72.AAA.03.04SOMERA, sc-Si AAA=310-380WP01/01/2027
-PV ModuleWAAREE EnergiesWS-XXXmc-Si 230-270 W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleWAAREE EnergiesWS-XXXmc-Si 280-320 W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleWAAREE EnergiesWSM-370sc-Si, 370 W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleWUXI Suntech PowerSTPxxx-20/Wemmc-si 210-290 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleWUXI Suntech PowerSTPxxx-24/Vemmc-si 220-350 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleWUXI Suntech PowerSTPxxxS-20/Wemsc-si 210-310 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleWUXI Suntech PowerSTPxxxS-24/Vemsc-si 220-370 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleWUXI Suntech PowerSTPxxx-24/VFWmc-si 330 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleWUXI Suntech PowerSTPxxx-24S/VFWsc-si 370 Wp01/01/2027
-PV ModuleWUXI Suntech PowerSTPxxxS-B72/Vnhsc-si 435-455 (in step of 5 Wp)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleWeCo Italy SrlWE-xxx/72P300-340W in step of 2001/01/2027
-PV ModuleWeCo Italy SrlWE-xxx/60P230-270-275-280W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleWeCo Italy SrlWE-xxx/54P255W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleWorldwide Energy (Amerisolar)AS-6M-xxxWsc-Si 270-330, in increment of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleWorldwide Energy (Amerisolar)AS-6M30-xxxWsc-Si 225-275, in increment of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleWorldwide Energy (Amerisolar)AS-6M27-xxxWsc-Si 205-245, in increment of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleWorldwide Energy (Amerisolar)AS-6M18-xxxWsc-Si 135-165, in increment of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleWorldwide Energy (Amerisolar)AS-5M-xxxWsc-Si 175-210, in increment of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleWorldwide Energy (Amerisolar)AS-5M18-xxxWsc-Si 90-105, in increment of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleWorldwide Energy (Amerisolar)AS-6P-xxxWmc-Si 270-330, in increment of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleWorldwide Energy (Amerisolar)AS-6P30-xxxWmc-Si 225-275, in increment of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleWorldwide Energy (Amerisolar)AS-6P27-xxxWmc-Si 205-245, in increment of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleWorldwide Energy (Amerisolar)AS-6P18-xxxWmc-Si 135-165, in increment of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleWorldwide Energy (Amerisolar)AS-6P30mc-Si (265,270)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleWorldwide Energy (Amerisolar)AS-6Pmc-Si (320,330)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleWorldwide Energy (Amerisolar)AS-6M-xxxWsc-Si 365-385, in increment of 1001/01/2027
-PV ModuleYingli SolarYLxxxP-29bmulti 240-260kW in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleYingli SolarYLxxxP-35bmulti 290-310kW in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleZhejiang Trunsun SolarTSPxxx -72mc-Si 315-345 W, in Steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleZhejiang Trunsun SolarTSPxxx -60mc-Si 255-285 W, in Steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleZhejiang Xiongtai PV TechnologyXTM6-36-XXXsc-si 140-160 W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleZhejiang Xiongtai PV TechnologyXTM6-48-XXXsc-si 200-220 W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleZhejiang Xiongtai PV TechnologyXTM6-54-XXXsc-si 220-250 W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleZhejiang Xiongtai PV TechnologyXTM6-60-XXXsc-si 250-265 W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleZhejiang Xiongtai PV TechnologyXTM6-72-XXXsc-si 290-310 W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleZhejiang Xiongtai PV TechnologyXTP6-36-XXXmc-si 240-260 W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleZhejiang Xiongtai PV TechnologyXTP6-48-XXXmc-si 240-260 W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleZhejiang Xiongtai PV TechnologyXTP6-54-XXXmc-si 240-260 W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleZhejiang Xiongtai PV TechnologyXTP6-60-XXXmc-si 240-260 W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleZhejiang Xiongtai PV TechnologyXTP6-72-XXXmc-si 290-305 W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleZhongli Talesun SolarTP660M-XXXsc-Si 265-280W,in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleZhongli Talesun SolarTP660P-XXXmc-Si 260W-275W, insteps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleZhongli Talesun SolarTP672P-XXXmc-Si 310-330,in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleZNSHINE PV-TECHZXM6-72-xxx/Msc-Si, xxx=270-320W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleZNSHINE PV-TECHZXM6-72-xxxsc-Si, 335-370W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleZNSHINE PV-TECHZXM6-60-xxx/Msc-Si, xxx=230-270W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleZNSHINE PV-TECHZXM6-54-xxx/Msc-Si, xxx=200-240W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleZNSHINE PV-TECHZXP6-72-xxx/Pmc-Si, xxx=265-320W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleZNSHINE PV-TECHZXP6-72-330/Pmc-Si, 330W01/01/2027
-PV ModuleZNSHINE PV-TECHZXP6-60-xxx/Pmc-Si, xxx=220-265W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleZNSHINE PV-TECHZXP6-54-xxx/Pmc-Si, xxx=200-235W, in steps of 501/01/2027
-PV ModuleGCL SYSTEM INTEGRATION TECHNOLOGYGCL-M8/72Hxxx450-465 (5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleTRINA SOLARTSM-xxxDEG19C.20525-550 (5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleTRINA SOLARTSM-xxxDEG18MC.20(II)480-500 (5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleTRINA SOLARTSM-xxxDEG20C.20580-600 (5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleTRINA SOLARTSM-xxxDEG17MC.20(II)430-450 (5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleGCL SYSTEM INTEGRATION TECHNOLOGYGCL-M10/72Hxxx525-555 (5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleGCL SYSTEM INTEGRATION TECHNOLOGYGCL-M10/72GDFxxx540-555 (5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJA SOLARJAM72D30-xxx/MB525-550 (5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJA SOLARJAM72D20-xxx/MB440-465 (5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJINKO SOLARJKMxxxN-54HL4-V410-425 (5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJINKO SOLARJKMxxxN-60HL4-V460-475 (5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJINKO SOLARJKMxxxN-72HL4-V555-570 (5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJINKO SOLARJKMxxxN-72HL4-BDV550-555 (5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJINKO SOLARJKMxxxN-78HL4-V595-615 (5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJINKO SOLARJKMxxxN-78HL4-BDV590-610 (5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleGREEN TECHNOLOGY COPoly xxxW34001/01/2027
-PV ModuleSHANGHAI JA SOLAR TECHNOLOGYJAM54S30-xxx/GR400-415 (5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSHANGHAI JA SOLAR TECHNOLOGYJAM72S30-xxx/GR540-555 (5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSHANGHAI JA SOLAR TECHNOLOGYJAM78S30-xxx/GR585-600 (5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSHANGHAI JA SOLAR TECHNOLOGYJAM54D30-xxx/GB405-410 (5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSHANGHAI JA SOLAR TECHNOLOGYJAM72D30-xxx/GB540-550 (5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSHANGHAI JA SOLAR TECHNOLOGYJAM78D30-xxx/GB585-595 (5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSHANGHAI JA SOLAR TECHNOLOGYJAM54D40-xxx/GB410-435 (5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSHANGHAI JA SOLAR TECHNOLOGYJAM72D40-xxx/GB555-580 (5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleSHANGHAI JA SOLAR TECHNOLOGYJAM78D40-xxx/GB600-625 (5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJINKO SOLARJKMxxxN-72HL4-V580-600 (5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJINKO SOLARJKMxxxN-54HL4R-V435-455 (5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJINKO SOLARJKMxxxN-60HL4R-V475-495 (5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJINKO SOLARJKMxxxN-72HL4R-V580-600 (5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJINKO SOLARJKMxxxN-72HL4-BDV570-575 (5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJINKO SOLARJKMxxxN-78HL4-BDV620-625 (5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJINKO SOLARJKMxxxN-54HL4R-BDV430-440 (5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleJINKO SOLARJKMxxxN-72HL4R-BDV580-610 (5)01/01/2027
-PV ModuleCANADIAN SOLARCS3W-xxxMS435, 45001/01/2027
-PV InverterABBPVI-3.0-TL-OUTD(-S)3kW (excluding Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterABBPVI-3.6-TL-OUTD(-S)3.6kW (excluding Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterABBPVI-4.2-TL-OUTD(-S)4.2kW (excluding Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterABBPVI-5000-TL-OUTD(-S)5kW (excluding Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterABBPVI-6000-TL-OUTD(-S)6kW (excluding Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterABBPVI-10.0-TL-OUTD(-S)(-FS)10 kW (excluding Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterABBPVI-12.5-TL-OUTD(-S)(-FS)12.5 kW (excluding Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterABBTRIO - 5.8 - TL - OUTD5.8 kW (excluding Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterABBTRIO - 7.5 - TL - OUTD7.5 kW (excluding Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterABBTRIO - 8.5 - TL - OUTD8.5 kW (excluding Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterABBTRIO - 20.0 - TL - OUTD20 kW (excluding Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterABBTRIO - 27.6 - TL - OUTD27.6 kW (excluding Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterABBTRIO-50.0-TL-OUTD50 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterABBULTRA -700.0 TL -OUTD700 kW (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterABBULTRA -1050.0 TL -OUTD1050 kW (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterABBTRIO-TM-50.0-40050kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterABBTRIO-TM-60.0-48060kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterABBULTRA -1400.0 TL -OUTD1400 kW (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterABBPVS-100/120-TL100kW/120kW (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterABBPVS-100-TL100 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterABBPVS-120-TL120 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterABBUNO-DM-xxx-TL-PLUS1.2/2.0/3.3/4.0/4.6/5.0 KW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterABBPRO-33.0-TL-OUTD-400(-S)(-SX)33 KW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterAfore N. E. T. (Shanghai)BNT010KTL10 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterAfore N. E. T. (Shanghai)BNT020KTL20 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterAfore N. E. T. (Shanghai)BNT050KTL50 kW (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterAfore N. E. T. (Shanghai)BNT030KTL30 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterAfore N. E. T. (Shanghai)BNT0xxKTLxx = 40 & 60 kW (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterFronius InternationalPrimo 3.0 -13.0kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterFronius InternationalPrimo 3.5 -13.5kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterFronius InternationalPrimo 3.6 -13.6kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterFronius InternationalPrimo 4.0 -14kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterFronius InternationalPrimo 4.6 -14.6kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterFronius InternationalPrimo 5.0-15kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterFronius InternationalPrimo 6.0-16kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterFronius InternationalPrimo 8.2-18.2kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterFronius InternationalFronius Symo 3.0-3-M3 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterFronius InternationalFronius Symo 3.7-3-M3.7 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterFronius InternationalFronius Symo 4.5-3-M4.5 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterFronius InternationalFronius Symo 5.0-3-M5 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterFronius InternationalFronius Symo 6.0-3-M6 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterFronius InternationalFronius Symo 7.0-3-M7 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterFronius InternationalFronius Symo 8.2-3-M8.2 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterFronius InternationalFronius Symo 10.0-3-M10kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterFronius InternationalFronius Symo 12.5-3-M12.5kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterFronius InternationalFronius Symo 15.0-3-M15kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterFronius InternationalFronius Symo 17.5-3-M17.5kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterFronius InternationalFronius Symo 20.0-3-M20kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterFronius InternationalFronius Eco 25.0-3-S25kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterFronius InternationalFronius Eco 27.0-3-S27kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterJiangsu GoodWeGW5048D-ES5 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterJiangsu GoodWeGW10KN-DT10 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterJiangsu GoodWeGW20K-DT20 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterJiangsu GoodWeGW25K-DT25 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterJiangsu GoodWeGW50K-MT50 kW (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterJiangsu GoodWeGW60K-MT60 kW (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterJiangsu GoodWeGW36K-MT36 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterJiangsu GoodWeGW50KN-MT50 kW (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterJiangsu GoodWeGW60KN-MT60 kW (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterHuaweiSUN2000-8KTL8 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterHuaweiSUN2000-12KTL12 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterHuaweiSUN2000-17KTL17 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterHuaweiSUN2000-20KTL20 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterHuaweiSUN2000-36KTL36 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterHuaweiSUN2000-42KTL42 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterHuaweiSUN 2000-55KTL55 KW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterHuaweiSUN2000-50KTL-M050 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterHuaweiSUN2000-60KTL-M060 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterHuaweiSUN2000-65KTL-M065 kW (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterHuaweiSUN2000-33KTL33 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterHuaweiSUN2000-xxxKTL-M0xxx = 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterHuaweiSUN2000-xxxKTL-M0xxx = 12, 15, 17, 20 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterHuaweiSUN2000-xxxKTL-M1xxx = 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterHuaweiSUN2000-xxxKTL-M2xxx = 12, 15, 17, 20 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterHuaweiSUN2000-xxxKTL-M3xxx = 30, 36, 40 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterHuaweiSUN2000-xxxKTL-M1xxx = 100 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 2.5 TL M2.5 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 2.7 TL M2.7 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 3 TL M3 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 3.3 TL M3.3 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 3.68 TL M3.68 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 4.6 TL M4.68 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 5 TL M5 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 5.5 TL M5.5 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 6 TL M6 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 10 TL M10 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 12.5 TL M12.5 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 15 TL M15 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 20 TL M20 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 10 TL10 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 12.5 TL12.5 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 15 TL15 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 20 TL20 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 3 PLAY 10 TL10 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 3 PLAY 12.5 TL12.5 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 3 PLAY 15 TL15 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 3 PLAY 20 TL20 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 3 PLAY 28 TL28 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 3 PLAY 33 TL33 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 3 PLAY 10 TLM10 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 3 PLAY 12.5 TLM12.5 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 3 PLAY 15 TLM15 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 3 PLAY 20 TLM20 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 3 PLAY 24 TLM24 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 3 PLAY 28 TLM28 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 3 PLAY 33 TLM33 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 3 PLAY 40 TLM40 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 275TL M220304.8 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 275TL X220304.8 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 350TL M275381.1 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 350TL X275381.1 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 380TL M300415.7 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 380TL X300415.7 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 400TL M320443.4 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 400TL X320443.4 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 440TL M345478 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 440TL X345478 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 460TL M360498.8 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 460TL X360498.8 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 500TL M400554.3 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 500TL X400554.3kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 535TL M420582 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 535TL X420582 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 410TL M220457.3 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 410TL X220457.3 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 520TL M275571.6 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 520TL X275571.6 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 570TL M300623.5 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 570TL X300623.5 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 605TL M320665.1 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 605TL X320665.1 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 660TL M345717.1 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 660TL X345717.1 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 690TL M360748.2 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 690TL X360748.2 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 750TL M400831.4 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 750TL X400831.4 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 805TL M420873 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 805TL X420873 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 550TL M220609.7 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 550TL X220609.7 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 695TL M275762.1 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 695TL X275762.1 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 760TL M300831.4 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 760TL X300831.4 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 800TL M320886.8 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 800TL X320886.8 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 880TL M345956.1 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 880TL X345956.1 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 920TL M360997.7 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 920TL X360997.7 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1000TL M4001108.5 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1000TL X4001108.5 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1070TL M4201163.9 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1070TL X4201163.9 kW01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 830TL B300830 kW (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 860TL B310860 kW (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 890TL B320890 kW (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 915TL B330915 kW (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 940TL B340940 kW (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 970TL B350970 kw (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1000TL B3601000 kW (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1025TL B3701025 kW (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1050TL B3801050 kW (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1070TL B3851070 kW (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1080TL B3901080 kW (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1110TL B4001110 kW (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1140TL B4101140 kW (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN1165TL B4201165 kW (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1170TL B4501170W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1195TL B4601195W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1220TL B4701220W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1247TL B4801247W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1273TL B4901273W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1300TL B5001300W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1325TL B5101325W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1350TL B5201350W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1376TL B5301376W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1400TL B5401400W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1430TL B5501430W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1455TL B5601455W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1480TL B5701480W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1500TL B5781500W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1532TL B5901532W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1560TL B6001560W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1600TL B6151600W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1640TL B6301640W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 830TL B300STORAGE - 830W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 860TL B310STORAGE - 860W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 890TL B320STORAGE - 890W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 915TL B330STORAGE - 915W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 940TL B340STORAGE - 940W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 970TL B350STORAGE - 970W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1000TL B360STORAGE - 1000W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1025TL B370STORAGE - 1025W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1050TL B380STORAGE - 1050W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1070TL B385STORAGE - 1070W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1080TL B390STORAGE - 1080W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1110TL B400STORAGE - 1110W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1140TL B410STORAGE - 1140W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1165TL B420STORAGE - 1165W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1170TL B450STORAGE - 1170W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1195TL B460STORAGE - 1195W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1220TL B470STORAGE - 1220W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1247TL B480STORAGE - 1247W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1273TL B490STORAGE - 1273W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1300TL B500STORAGE - 1300W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1325TL B510STORAGE - 1325W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1350TL B520STORAGE - 1350W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1376TL B530STORAGE - 1376W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1400TL B540STORAGE - 1400W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1430TL B550STORAGE - 1430W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1455TL B560STORAGE - 1455W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1480TL B570STORAGE - 1480W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1500TL B578STORAGE - 1500W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1532TL B590STORAGE - 1532W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1560TL B600STORAGE - 1560W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1600TL B615STORAGE - 1600W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1640TL B630STORAGE - 1640W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 720TL B260720W (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 748TL B270748W (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1190TL B4301190W (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1220TL B4401220W (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1250TL B4501250W (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1275TL B4601275W (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1580TL B6301580W (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1665TL B6401665W (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1690TL B6501690W (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1715TL B6601715W (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1740TL B6701740W (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1767TL B6801767W (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1800TL B6901800W (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1820TL B7001820W (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 720TL B260STORAGE - 720W (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 748TL B270STORAGE - 748W (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1190TL B430STORAGE - 1190W (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1220TL B440STORAGE - 1220W (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1250TL B450STORAGE - 1250W (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1275TL B460STORAGE - 1275W (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1303TL B470STORAGE - 1303W (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1665TL B640STORAGE - 1665W (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1690TL B650STORAGE - 1690W (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1715TL B660STORAGE - 1715W (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1740TL B670STORAGE - 1740W (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1767TL B680STORAGE - 1767W (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1800TL B690STORAGE - 1800W (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 1820TL B7001820W (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterIngeteamINGECON SUN 3Play 100 TL90-110kW (5 s) @ 360-440V (20 s) (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterKACO New Energy50.0 TL3 M1 WM OD IIGMBlueplanet - 50 KW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterKACO New Energy50.0 TL3 M1 WM OD IIGXBlueplanet - 50 KW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterKACO New Energy50.0 TL3 M1 WM OD IIGBBlueplanet - 50 KW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterKACO New Energy50.0 TL3 M1 WM OD IIGSBlueplanet - 50 KW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterKACO New Energy50.0 TL3 M1 WM OD FRGSBlueplanet - 50 KW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterKACO New Energy20.0 TL3 M2 WM OD IIG0Blueplanet - 20 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterKACO New Energy15.0 TL3 M2 WM OD IIG0Blueplanet - 15 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterLti REEnergy GmbHPVM3.57.300.EM300 kW (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterLti REEnergy GmbHPVMS.40K40 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterLti REEnergy GmbHPVMS.46K46 kW (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterNINGBO DEYE InverterSUN-33K-G33 kW (excluding Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterNINGBO DEYE InverterSUN-60K-G60 kW (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterNINGBO DEYE InverterSUN-xxxK-G0370, 75, 80, 100 kW (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterNINGBO DEYE InverterSUN-xxxK-G035, 10 kW (excluding Indust. Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterShneider ElectricConext CL20000E20 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterShneider ElectricConext CL60E60 kW (excluding Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterShneider ElectricConext CL25000E25 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterSMASTP 15000TL-1015 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterSMASTP 20000TL-3020 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterSMASTP 25000TL-3025 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterSMASTP50-4050 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterSMAMLX / STP 6060 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterSMASB3.0-1AV-403 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterSMASB3.6-1AV-403.68 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterSMASB4.0-1AV-404 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterSMASB5.0-1AV-405 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterSMASTP15000TL-3015 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterSMASTP 110-60110 kW (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterSMASTP5.0-3AV-405 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterSungrow Power SupplySG36KTL-M36 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterSungrow Power SupplySG60KTL60 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterSungrow Power SupplySGxxxCX33, 40, 50, 110 (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterSungrow Power SupplySGxxxKTL-MT5, 6 (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterSungrow Power SupplySGxxxKTL-M8, 10, 12, 15, 20 (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterSungrow Power SupplySGxxxRT5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 10, 12, 15, 17, 20 (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterShanghai TrannergySGN1300 TL1000W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterShanghai TrannergySGN1800 TL1500W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterShanghai TrannergySGN2300 TL2000W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterShanghai TrannergySGN2700 TL2500W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterShanghai TrannergySGN3000 TL3000W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterShanghai TrannergySGN3400 TL3000W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterShanghai TrannergySGN4000 TL4000W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterShanghai TrannergySGN4600 TL4600W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterShanghai TrannergySGN5400 TL5000W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterShanghai TrannergySGN6600TL6000W (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterSIEL S.p.aSOLEIL DSPX 80 TRH 40080 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterREFU Elektronik GmbHREFUsol 08K8.25KW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterREFU Elektronik GmbHREFUsol 10K10KW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterREFU Elektronik GmbHREFUsol 13K13KW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterREFU Elektronik GmbHREFUsol 17K17KW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterREFU Elektronik GmbHREFUsol 20K20KW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterREFU Elektronik GmbHREFUsol 40k (840P040)40KW (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterREFU Elektronik GmbHREFUsol 46k (840P046)46KW (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterREFU Elektronik GmbHREFUsol 40k (842P040)40KW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterREFU Elektronik GmbHREFUsol 46k (842P046)46KW (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterShenzhen GrowattGrowatt 30000TL3-S30000 (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterShenzhen GrowattGrowatt 33000TL3-S33000 (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterShenzhen GrowattGrowatt 40000TL3-NS40000 (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterSolaredge TechnologiesSE27.6K27.6 (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterSolaredge TechnologiesSExxxK4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12.5, 15, 16, 17, 55, 82.8 (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterPetra Solar Inc.SWM 2.10.24 (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterPower-one italy (Fimer)PVS-50-TL-(S, SX, SX2)50 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterPower-one italy (Fimer)PVS-60-TL-(S, SX, SX2)60 kW (All)01/01/2027
-PV InverterWeCo Srl ItaliaSDX-3-xxxTL5, 6, and 8kW (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterWeCo Srl ItaliaSDX-3-xxxTL10, 12, and 15kW (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterWeCo Srl ItaliaSDX-3-xxxTL17, 20, and 33kW (Industrial Environment)01/01/2027
-PV InverterPOWER-ONE ITALY S.P.A. (FIMER S.P.A.)PVS-xxx-TL-(SX, SY)10, 12.5, 15, 20, 30, 3301/01/2027
-PV InverterPOWER-ONE ITALY S.P.A. (FIMER S.P.A.)PVS-20-TL-SXD2001/01/2027
-PV InverterPOWER-ONE ITALY S.P.A. (FIMER S.P.A.)PVS-33-TL-SI3301/01/2027
-PV InverterNINGBO DEYE INVERTER TECHNOLOGYSUN-xxxK-G036, 7, 8, 12, 1501/01/2027
-PV InverterHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIESSUN2000-xxxKTL-M211501/01/2027
-PV InverterSUNGROW POWER SUPPLYSGxxxCX-P225, 30, 33, 36, 40, 50, 12501/01/2027
-PV External IP UnitABBUFDM34MALL01/01/2027
-PV External IP UnitComAp a.s.MAINSPROALL01/01/2027
-PV External IP UnitComAp a.s.MAINSPRO LITEALL01/01/2027
-PV External IP UnitComAp a.s.INTELIPROALL01/01/2027
-PV External IP UnitLovato Electric S.p.A.PMVF60For solar PV capacities of less than 200 kW01/01/2027
-PV External IP UnitZIEHLSPI1021For solar PV capacities of less than 200 kW01/01/2027
PVMA/182/2024PV InverterAISWEI Technology Co., Ltd.ASW110K-LT110 kW30/06/2028
PVMA/82/2023PV ModuleTrina SolarTSM-xxxNEG21C.20680-685 (5) Wp15/10/2027
PVMA/160/2023PV ModuleShanghai JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.JAM66D42-xxx/MB560-585 (5) Wp29/09/2028
PVMA/62/2023PV ModuleJinkosolarJKMxxxN-72HL4-BDV560-590 (5) Wp11/09/2027
PVMA/328/2024PV InverterSungrow Power Supply Co., Ltd.SG15RT-P216.5 kW26/08/2028
PVMA/214/2024PV ModuleShanghai JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.JAM60D42-xxx/LB505-525 (5) Wp29/09/2028
PVMA/357/2024PV InverterGoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd.GW125K-GT125 kW25/11/2028
PVMA/132/2023PV InverterGoodWe Technologies Co.,LtdGWxxxK-HT100, 110, 120 kW13/11/2027
PVMA/92/2023PV ModuleSHANGHAI JA SOLAR TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.JAM72D42-xxx/LB605-630 (5) Wp19/12/2027
PVMA/162/2023PV InverterSineng Electric Co., Ltd.SN60PT60 kW10/03/2028
PVMA/68/2023PV ModuleJinko Solar Co., Ltd.JKMxxxN-60HL4-V480-480 (0) Wp18/02/2028
PVMA/274/2024PV InverterAISWEI Technology Co., Ltd.ASW27K-LT-G327 kW25/11/2028
PVMA/321/2024PV ModuleShanghai JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.JAM60S42-xxx/LR510-535 (5) Wp29/09/2028
PVMA/303/2024PV ModuleChint New Energy Technology Co., Ltd,CHSM72M-HC-xxx545-565 (5) Wp25/07/2028
PVMA/292/2024PV ModuleShanghai JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.JAM72D42-xxx/LB615-640 (5) Wp29/09/2028
PVMA/323/2024PV InverterSungrow Power Supply Co., Ltd.SG5.0RT-P25.5 kW26/08/2028
PVMA/133/2023PV ModuleGuangdong Jinyuan Solar Energy Co.,Ltd. (Photinus GmbH)JY40M36C40-40 (0) Wp23/11/2027
PVMA/18/2023PV ModuleBaodingYingchen New Energy Development Co., LTD.YCxxxPDF72M10/2530-550 (5) Wp09/04/2027
PVMA/98/2023PV ModuleSHANGHAI JA SOLAR TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.JAM72D30-xxx/LB555-575 (5) Wp19/12/2027
PVMA/91/2023PV ModuleSHANGHAI JA SOLAR TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.JAM72D40-xxx/LB575-600 (5) Wp19/12/2027
PVMA/83/2023PV ModuleRisen Energy Co. Ltd.RSM132-8-xxxBHDG680-705 (5) Wp03/10/2027
PVMA/64/2023PV InverterAfore New Energy Technology (Shangai) Co., LtdBNT005KTL5 kW19/12/2027
PVMA/66/2023PV ModuleJinko Solar Co., Ltd.JKMxxxM-72HL4-BDVP550-555 (5) Wp18/02/2028
PVMA/227/2024PV InverterSolaX Power Network Technology (Zhe jiang) Co., Ltd.X3-PRO-30K-G230 kW14/05/2028
PVMA/191/2024PV ModuleLongi Green Energy TechnologyLR5-72HTH-xxxM560-600 (5) Wp16/01/2028
PVMA/302/2024PV InverterShanghai Chint Power Systems Co., Ltd.CPS SCA30KTL-T1/EU30 kW25/07/2028
PVMA/291/2024PV ModuleShanghai JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.JAM72D40-xxx/MB570-595 (5) Wp29/09/2028
PVMA/222/2024PV InverterSineng Electric Co., Ltd.SN100PT-X100 kW21/05/2028
PVMA/223/2024PV InverterSineng Electric Co., Ltd.SN110PT110 kW21/05/2028
PVMA/339/2024PV ModuleLONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd.LR5-72HTDR-xxxM565-590 (5) Wp25/11/2028
PVMA/364/2024PV ModuleShanghai JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.JAM72D40-xxx/MB600-605 (5) Wp25/11/2028
PVMA/8/2023PV ModuleJinko SolarJKMxxxN-72HL4-V575-575 (0) Wp01/03/2027
PVMA/89/2023PV ModuleSHANGHAI JA SOLAR TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.JAM54D41-xxx/LB430-440 (5) Wp19/12/2027
PVMA/4/2023PV InverterGoodWe Technologies Co.,LtdGW50KS-MT50 kW27/02/2027
PVMA/141/2023PV ModuleJinko Solar Co., Ltd.JKMxxxN-72HL4-BDV-U570-590 (5) Wp12/05/2028
PVMA/46/2023PV ModuleTRINA SOLAR MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA DMCCTSM-xxxNEG19RC.20580-605 (5) Wp18/06/2027
PVMA/87/2023PV ModuleSHANGHAI JA SOLAR TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.JAM54D40-XXX/MB410-435 (5) Wp19/12/2027
PVMA/275/2024PV InverterAISWEI Technology Co., Ltd.ASW30K-LT-G330 kW25/11/2028
PVMA/277/2024PV ModuleJinko Solar Co., Ltd.JKMxxxN-66HL5-BDV700-710 (5) Wp27/08/2028
PVMA/184/2024PV InverterAISWEI Technology Co., Ltd.ASW80K-LT80 kW09/06/2028
PVMA/189/2024PV InverterSungrow Power Supply Co., LtdSG320HX-20300 kW06/02/2028
PVMA/229/2024PV InverterSolaX Power Network Technology (Zhe jiang) Co., Ltd.X3-PRO-25K-G225 kW30/06/2028
PVMA/279/2024PV InverterAISWEI Technology Co., Ltd.ASW33K-LT-G333 kW25/11/2028
PVMA/159/2023PV ModuleLONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd.LR5-72HPH-xxxM540-560 (5) Wp19/12/2027
PVMA/5/2023PV InverterGoodWe Technologies Co.,LtdGW60KS-MT60 kW27/02/2027
PVMA/157/2023PV ModuleSHANGHAI JA SOLAR TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.JAM54S30-xxx/LR415-435 (5) Wp19/12/2027
PVMA/151/2023PV InverterShenzhen SOFARSOLAR Co., LtdSOFAR 125KTLX-G4-A125 kW19/12/2027
PVMA/20/2023PV InverterHuaweiSUN2000 50KTL-M350 kW18/05/2027
PVMA/96/2023PV ModuleSHANGHAI JA SOLAR TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.JAM72S30-xxx/LR560-580 (5) Wp19/12/2027
PVMA/333/2024PV InverterAISWEI Technology Co., Ltd.ASW60K-LT-G360 kW30/09/2028
PVMA/234/2024PV InverterShanghai Chint Power Systems Co., Ltd.CPS SCA110KTL-DO/EU110 kW11/06/2028
PVMA/161/2023PV InverterSineng Electric Co., Ltd.SP-120K-BL110 kW12/02/2028
PVMA/77/2023PV ModuleGCL System Integration Technology Co. LtdGCL-NT10/72GDF555-575 (5) Wp29/10/2027
PVMA/36/2023PV InverterShenzhen SOFARSOLAR Co.,LtdSOFAR 110KTLX-G4110 kW18/06/2027
PVMA/67/2023PV ModuleJinko Solar Co., Ltd.JKMxxxN-54HL4-V430-430 (0) Wp18/02/2028
PVMA/319/2024PV ModuleShanghai JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.JAM72S42-xxx/LR615-640 (5) Wp29/09/2028
PVMA/317/2024PV ModuleShanghai JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.JAM66S42-xxx/MR570-590 (5) Wp29/09/2028
PVMA/316/2024PV ModuleShanghai JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.JAM60S40-xxx/LR485-500 (5) Wp29/09/2028
PVMA/281/2024PV InverterAISWEI Technology Co., Ltd.ASW40K-LT-G340 kW03/09/2028
PVMA/315/2024PV ModuleShanghai JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.JAM54S40-xxx/LR430-450 (5) Wp29/09/2028
PVMA/206/2024PV InverterSineng Electric Co., Ltd.SN40PT40 kW11/03/2028
PVMA/293/2024PV ModuleShanghai JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.JAM66D46-xxx/LB690-710 (5) Wp29/09/2028
PVMA/198/2024PV InverterSHENZHEN GROWATT NEW ENERGY CO., LTD.MOD 10KTL3-X10 kW12/02/2028
PVMA/187/2024PV InverterSineng Electric Co.,Ltd.SN10PT10 kW10/03/2028
PVMA/200/2024PV ModuleTrina Solar Co. Ltd.TSM-xxxNEG21C.20675-700 (5) Wp12/02/2028
PVMA/331/2024PV InverterAISWEI Technology Co., Ltd.ASW45K-LT-G345 kW30/09/2028
PVMA/158/2023PV ModuleSHANGHAI JA SOLAR TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.JAM54S31-xxx/LR415-425 (5) Wp19/12/2027
PVMA/137/2023PV ModuleJinko Solar Co., Ltd.JKMxxxN-78HL4-BDV630-630 (0) Wp18/02/2028
PVMA/347/2024PV ModuleLONGi Green Energy Technology Co.,LtdLR7-72HTHF-xxxM605-630 (5) Wp25/11/2028
PVMA/340/2024PV ModuleLONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd.LR5-72HTH-xxxM565-600 (5) Wp25/11/2028
PVMA/332/2024PV InverterAISWEI Technology Co., Ltd.ASW50K-LT-G350 kW30/09/2028
PVMA/343/2024PV ModuleLONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd.LR7-72HTDR-xxxM600-625 (5) Wp25/11/2028
PVMA/88/2023PV ModuleSHANGHAI JA SOLAR TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.JAM54D40-XXX/LB430-450 (5) Wp19/12/2027
PVMA/85/2023PV ModuleJA SOLARJAM72D40-XXX/MB555-580 (5) Wp27/11/2027
PVMA/174/2024PV InverterSungrow Power Supply Co., Ltd.SG125CX-P2125 kW16/01/2028
PVMA/170/2023PV InverterShenzhen SOFARSOLAR Co., Ltd.SOFAR 255KTL-HV255 kW04/01/2028
PVMA/163/2023PV InverterSineng Electric Co., Ltd.SN50PT50 kW10/03/2028
PVMA/304/2024PV ModuleChint New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.CHSM72N(DG)/F-BH-xxx570-595 (5) Wp25/07/2028
PVMA/305/2024PV ModuleChint New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.CHSM78N(DG)/F-BH-xxx615-640 (5) Wp25/07/2028
PVMA/391/2024PV ModuleMasdar Solar PanelsMS-HD144N565-585 (5) Wp11/12/2028
PVMA/280/2024PV InverterAISWEI Technology Co., Ltd.ASW36K-LT-G336 kW25/11/2028
PVMA/322/2024PV ModuleShanghai JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.JAM72S40-xxx/MR580-590 (5) Wp29/09/2028
PVMA/327/2024PV InverterSungrow Power Supply Co., Ltd.SG12RT-P213.2 kW26/08/2028
PVMA/326/2024PV InverterSungrow Power Supply Co., Ltd.SG10RT-P211 kW26/08/2028
PVMA/278/2024PV ModuleJinko Solar Co., Ltd.JKMxxxN-72HL4-BDX575-600 (5) Wp25/11/2028
PVMA/324/2024PV InverterSungrow Power Supply Co., Ltd.SG6.0RT-P26.6 kW26/08/2028
PVMA/17/2023PV ModuleBaodingYingchen New Energy Development Co., LTD.YCxxxPSF72M10/2535-550 (5) Wp09/04/2027
PVMA/2/2023PV ModuleLONGi Green Energy Technology Co.LR4-60HPH- 365-380M365-380 (5) Wp01/03/2027
PVMA/90/2023PV ModuleSHANGHAI JA SOLAR TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.JAM66D45-xxx/LB590-605 (5) Wp19/12/2027
PVMA/165/2023PV InverterSineng Electric Co., Ltd.SN30PT30 kW10/03/2028
PVMA/63/2023PV ModuleJinko Solar Co., Ltd.JKMxxxM-72HL4-V555-560 (5) Wp19/12/2027
PVMA/28/2023PV InverterShenzhen SOFARSOLAR CO:,LtdSOFAR 15KTLX-G315 kW11/06/2027
PVMA/45/2023PV ModuleTRINA SOLAR MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA DMCCTSM-xxxDEG19RC.20560-580 (5) Wp18/06/2027
PVMA/183/2024PV InverterAISWEI Technology Co., Ltd.ASW75K-LT75 kW30/06/2028
PVMA/190/2024PV InverterShenzhen SOFARSOLAR Co., Ltd.SOFAR 350KTLX0350 kW14/01/2028
PVMA/318/2024PV ModuleShanghai JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.JAM72S40-xxx/LR580-600 (5) Wp29/09/2028
PVMA/325/2024PV InverterSungrow Power Supply Co., Ltd.SG8.0RT-P28.8 kW26/08/2028
PVMA/337/2024PV ModuleLONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd.LR5-72HTHF-xxxM565-600 (5) Wp25/11/2028
PVMA/289/2024PV ModuleShanghai JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.JAM66D45-xxx/LB595-620 (5) Wp29/09/2028
PVMA/219/2024PV ModulePhiladelphia SolarPS-M144(HC)-xxxW540-555 (5) Wp12/05/2028
PVMA/224/2024PV InverterSineng Electric Co., Ltd.SN125PT125 kW21/05/2028
PVMA/329/2024PV InverterSungrow Power Supply Co., Ltd.SG20RT-P222 kW26/08/2028
PVMA/228/2024PV InverterSineng Electric Co., Ltd.SP-350K-INH320 kW21/05/2028
PVMA/37/2023PV InverterShenzhen SOFARSOLAR Co.,LtdSOFAR 125KTLX-G4125 kW18/06/2027
PVMA/273/2024PV InverterAISWEI Technology Co., Ltd.ASW25K-LT-G325 kW26/08/2028
PVMA/204/2024PV InverterSineng Electric Co., Ltd.SN20PT20 kW11/03/2028
PVMA/341/2024PV ModuleLONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd.LR7-72HTH-xxxM605-620 (5) Wp25/11/2028
PVMA/361/2024PV ModuleGCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd.GCL-NT12/66GDF685-710 (5) Wp25/11/2028
PVMA/205/2024PV InverterSineng Electric Co., Ltd.SN15PT15 kW11/03/2028
PVMA/344/2024PV ModuleLONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd.LR8-66HGD-xxxM595-625 (5) Wp25/11/2028
PVMA/346/2024PV ModuleLONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd.LR7-54HTHF-xxxM455-475 (5) Wp25/11/2028
PVMA/393/2024PV ModuleTrina Solar Co., LtdTSM-xxxNEG21C.20695-720 (5) Wp25/02/2029
PVMA/384/2024PV InverterHuawei Technologies Co., LtdSUN2000-330KTL-H2330 kW25/02/2029
PVMA/394/2024PV ModuleJinko Solar Co., LtdJKMxxxN-72HL4-BDV595-600 (5) Wp25/02/2029
PVMA/381/2024PV InverterShanghai Chint Power Systems Co., Ltd.SCH350K-T-EU350 kW21/02/2029
